Monday, August 10, 2009

We have some growth!

Despite the fact that it is supposed to be winter it has been quite warm and sunny. And it's great to see that the little veggie patch is converting some of that solar power to veggies!

There are some flowers on the tomatoes and some small beans forming on the vine. We'll have a salad in no time.

We went a little crazy with tomato stakes and twine. But we like to think of it as a little sculpture to the Sun God.

1 comment:

  1. Wow your new house looks sweet. Welcome to the club!! And the Garden isn't to shabby either. Good to hear you got out for a surf the other day Andy. Keep me updated on the plank and how it's shaping up. I'm sure you'll post some pics on this site. Give Power a big hug for me and then hug yourself for me too. GUY
